CA110XG-2: 110 Amp Expansion Gap and Joint Kit Assembly

CA110XG-2: 110 Amp Expansion Gap and Joint Kit Assembly

(Code: IPC0400285)
CA110XG-2: 110 Amp Expansion Gap and Joint Kit Assembly
CA110XG-2: 110 Amp Expansion Gap and Joint Kit Assembly

The CA110XG-2 is the perfect solution for 110-amp conductor bars. This kit can accommodate gaps up to two inches making it the perfect fix for copper systems and electrification systems in need of gap bridges.

*Refer to the details below for further information regarding factor specifications.

Gap Distance Specifications
Operating Temperature: 30°F
Gap Distance: 0.5”

Operating Temperature: 60°F
Gap Distance: 1.0”


One 110-amp expansion gap kit is required for every 150 feet, for systems made of steel or one every 100 feet, for copper systems. 

Compatible With: CA110
Expansion required at: 300ft (m)
Power feeds included: 350 ft (m) 
Jumper(s) included: ONE #4 

 Attention: Gap Guide Bracket is used for mounting. 

Included in the CA110XG-2 Kit
Kits include two power feeds and a jumper to bridge the gap electrically. Use tandem collectors to provide power across the expansion gap.

US$ 271.35